Data Citizen Placement Assessment
A Data Citizen knows what questions to ask of their data upfront. They understand the one overall goal of data and the activities a team must carry out to transform data into wisdom. Passing the Data Citizen Assessment proves that you’ve mastered the foundational aspects of data literacy: what is data, how is it used by teams, what are some different ways to display your data?
We cover these topics in our Data Literacy Fundamentals course: Understanding the Power & Value of Data. This is the first of four levels in our core course offerings.
The assessment includes 25 multiple choice, true-false, matching, and fill-in-the-blank questions. You have 30 minutes to complete the assessment. You need a score of 80% or greater to pass the assessment, meaning you can get no more than 5 answers wrong. If you score 80% or higher, you’ll be awarded the Data Citizen Badge. Best of luck!