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Visual Interpreter Placement Assessment

A visual interpreter is fluent in the visual language of data. They’ve mastered the 25 most common chart types and their pitfalls. They understand how data is converted to graphical marks with visual encodings, the main principles for evaluating the effectiveness of charts, and critical scenarios like change over time and part-to-whole.

Passing the Visual Interpreter Assessment proves that you can make sense of the charts and graphs covered in our Data Literacy Level 1 course: Learning to See Data. This is the second of four levels in our core course offerings.

The assessment includes 25 multiple choice, true-false, matching, and fill-in-the-blank questions. You have 30 minutes to complete the assessment. You need a score of 80% or greater to pass the assessment, meaning you can get no more than 5 answers wrong. If you score 80% or higher, you’ll be awarded the Visual Interpreter Badge. Best of luck!

Four data literacy badges arranged from left to right. Data Citizen for Fundamentals, Visual Interpreter for Level 1, Data Explorer for Level 2, and Data Communicator for Level 3. There's a red icon that says you are here over Visual Interpreter.