Now Available for Pre-Order: Data Literacy Fundamentals, 2nd Edition

Now Available for Pre-Order: Data Literacy Fundamentals, 2nd Edition | Data Literacy  

It has been almost five years since we published the first edition of the book Data Literacy Fundamentals. It has been our best-selling book over the past five years, and it captures the teachings of the course of the same name that we started teaching back in 2018.  We’ve been thankful that people in different sectors, industries, and disciplines have read it, rated it, and reviewed it. But the time has come to retire it, and to replace it with a new version–the second edition.

Today, we’re sharing the news that the Kindle ebook version is now available for Pre-Order! The print version will go on sale very soon, too.

Why Write a 2nd Edition?

So why did I decide to write a second edition of our best-selling book? A few reasons:

  1. First, the world has changed a lot since the first edition was published in 2020. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing a larger role in our economies and in our personal lives, and organizations are seeking to incorporate generative AI into their workflows. Our data is being leveraged in more powerful ways and the stakes are much higher now, so the need to upskill has never been more critical. The first edition didn’t adequately address AI applications and implications, so I needed to fix that.
  2. Second, the Data Literacy Movement has grown and expanded since we helped start it along with a few other passionate visionaries. Organizations all around the world have launched internal programs to upskill their workforces, and to instill data-informed decision making into their cultures. The first edition didn’t speak to this critical aspect of the movement, so I dedicated a new chapter to sharing what we have learned working with early adopters seeking to implement meaningful culture change.
  3. Third, many other consulting and training companies have sprung up touting “data literacy fundamentals” courses and content, so I felt the need to ensure that our own, original implementation of this offering was top notch. Say what you will about capitalism–I certainly understand its flaws–but competition is a very effective driver of innovation and value for customers. Our “small but mighty team” is running hard. We don’t want to just be the first, we want to be the best.
Now Available for Pre-Order: Data Literacy Fundamentals, 2nd Edition | Data Literacy  

What’s Different About It?

So what’s new about this edition of the book? Nine things!

  1. We made a handful of minor corrections to a few typos that snuck their way into print with the 1st edition
  2. We replaced the basic URL footnotes of the 1st edition with full Chicago-style citations
  3. We added a brand new section to each and every chapter called “AI Applications & Implications
  4. We replaced my 1st edition graphics with MUCH better graphics created by Alli Torban
  5. We replaced the cover design with a gorgeous new one, designed by Alli
  6. I wrote a brand new chapter–Chapter 9–titled “The Nine Steps to Organizational Success”
  7. We included a glossary (the 1st edition doesn’t have one) with 144 of the most important terms and concepts
  8. We included an index (the 1st edition doesn’t have one) with 192 keywords for easy reference
  9. I wrote a new preface to the 2nd edition

I’d like to expand on a few of these items, and provide a bit more context.

A New Chapter on Data Literacy Programs

Now Available for Pre-Order: Data Literacy Fundamentals, 2nd Edition | Data Literacy  

The most substantial addition to the book is a brand new, ninth chapter. The first eight chapters follow an incremental structure and naming scheme (1. The ONE Overall Goal of Data, 2. The TWO Systems of Thinking, etc.), so naturally chapter nine need to be “The NINE somethings.” Indeed it is! Its title is “The NINE Steps to Organizational Success,” and it describes, in order, what needs to be done in order to design and deploy an effective Data Literacy Program. One that affects real, lasting culture change.

I’ve drawn from established change management practices and my own experience to provide a 9-step approach to implementing data and AI literacy programs within organizations. These steps will help you get started with your program, but you’ll want to modify them somewhat to fit your own unique situation:

  1. Develop a compelling case for change.
  2. Build a coalition of influential supporters.
  3. Identify internal data and AI personas.
  4. Measure the baseline and identify barriers.
  5. Define KPIs and set goals.
  6. Design role-based learning journeys.
  7. Implement learning and support networks.
  8. Generate and celebrate quick wins.
  9. Measure progress and continuously adjust.

If you’re interested in this topic, I expand on each step in the book!

AI Applications & Implications

AI Literacy is the ability to recognize, grasp, engage with, and critically assess artificial intelligence technologies and their impacts.

Data Literacy has evolved to embrace a new branch that stems from the same trunk: AI Literacy. My team spent the better part of 2023 and 2024 designing and launching our own flagship AI Literacy Series, including:

Nevertheless, I felt that the foundation that we’ve worked hard to lay with Data Literacy Fundamentals, our “Level 0” book and course, really needs to mention these aspects and usages of data more explicitly. So I added a section titled “AI Applications & Implications” to the end of each and every chapter. How do the TWO Systems of Thinking relate to AI? Or the SEVEN Groups of Data Activities? Those are the questions I tried to answer as directly as I could, rather than leaving it to my dear reader’s imagination.

Newly Designed Diagrams for Each Chapter

The Goal Tree where a high level goal branches off into two critical success factors, which each branch off into a target variable and given variable.

In the original version of the book, I did my best to design diagrams that described my ideas and the teachings that I wanted to convey. They were decent, but not great. Well, a couple years ago, we brought Alli Torban onto the team, and she is a rare talent. She’s a data expert, an engaging trainer, an experienced podcast host, an author in her own right–I could go on.

But she is also a very, very talented designer. Her graphics and illustrations have brought our ideas to life in a refreshing and vibrant way. So it only made sense to replace my graphics with hers. The cover design is also her creation. Alli’s design touch has made the second edition of this book way better than I could have ever made it, and for that I’m eternally grateful.

Read and Enjoy!

With that, I’ll excuse myself to go back to put the finishing touches on the publication process. Whether you bought the first edition of this book or not, I hope you buy this one and read it, and I hope you find it to be enlightening and helpful! Please help us spread the word, and thank you in advance for all of your support. To our clients who have already helped pay for the development of this book buy purchasing the revamped version of its companion course – we are forever in your debt.

Lastly, if you think that your own team or organization can benefit from these teachings, please don’t hesitate to contact us to get the conversation started. We pride ourselves in combining Data Literacy Fundamentals with your own custom content to deliver a truly bespoke version of the teachings that will applying directly to your situation and uniquely meet your needs.

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