Data Literacy for Education

Free & Discounted Resources for Teachers, Students, & Staff

Data Literacy for Education

Free & Discounted Resources for Teachers, Students, & Staff

A photo of an apple sitting on top of a stack of books. White data literacy logo on the apple. In the upper left hand corner of the image it reads in white letters data literacy for education.

Our Passion is Education

Here at Data Literacy, we believe strongly that a balanced and up-to-date education system is a critical part of every healthy society. Many of our founders, advisory board members, and guest bloggers are teachers and instructors, so it’s part of our DNA to help others in the academic space. We can’t close the data literacy gap without robust and accessible teaching content, so we’re excited to add our courses, books, and resources to the mix. Now students and teachers alike can build their own knowledge and skills using our world-class content that has been leveraged by organizations around the world.

Free & Discounted Training

Students and professionals at all levels of the education system (primary, secondary, post-secondary) can access the first lessons of our two On-Demand courses – Data Literacy Fundamentals and Data Literacy Level 1 – for FREE at any time, no login required. They can also apply to receive a 50% discount off of the full course price, allowing them to boost their data literacy skills using our online learning academy. That’s 16 lessons and over 8 hours of instructional content combined with diagrams, handouts, exercises and quizzes. Fill out the form below using your school email address to apply!

PLEASE READ: Thank you for your interest in our education offer! Please fill out the below form using an email address from your school or educational organization. You will need to use this same email to register for our courses in order for the discount code to apply. You will receive an email within 3 – 5 business days with a code to use at checkout good for 50% off of all of our available courses. If you are looking for training for your team of more than 10 people, please note this in the comments section and we will reach out to you to discuss our corporate rates for the education sector. We wish you much success in your data literacy learning journey!