October 2019

Tableau Training for Journalists at USC Annenberg

By |2019-10-29T16:47:43-07:00October 29th, 2019|Tutorials|

This past weekend, founder Ben Jones had the chance to travel to Los Angeles to train a group of professional journalists at USC on how to use Tableau Public, a free software product, to create an exploratory dashboard showing where high rates of vaccine preventable diseases had been recorded across California counties from 2001 to [...]

September 2019

SEATUG: Avoiding Data Pitfalls

By |2019-09-11T01:59:34-07:00September 11th, 2019||

https://usergroups.tableau.com/september2019 Planning to adopt a data-driven culture across your organization? Ever been in a situation where you are stuck while adopting the culture of visualizing data across your organization after defining a clear vision? Find out what these pitfalls look like and how to avoid them. The pitfalls range from philosophical to technical, and from [...]